**gutted** come back home from that madness that is ibiza (didi any1 see me on rise by the way? ) and thought i'd read back over some posts & not 1 sodding happy birthday message dedicated to me Big up to fitzy - cheers for the pm darl
i could have checked when i was over there was totally hammered & me n these irish girls i met thought we'd get our ugly mugs on tv. it worked. i was dead 2faced to sophie too. she's dead boring u kow & we were calling her & then i was all pally & got a foto took with her i was also on the same day for winning a prize with them. i was on a couch opposite to where they were talking to the judge coz i'd won this private party in a villa. i had to give it away anyway coz it was for mon & i went home sun erm, re: trance/techno places. theres plenty of trance over there as per usual, not sure about techno, playa 2 (i know i know! dont start) is the only place i can think of/can remember.
gem u didnt deserve a birthday message cos u was off livin the life in ibiza, while the rest of us were stuck here!!! hope u had a good birthday though and a good holiday! what nites were mint then and wot were shit?
Thats shan - I would have if I knew it was ur birthday. When i first started reading it I thought ur house had been broken into or something.
best night was defo subliminal underwater @ pacha! Eric morillo is da man! He has a top spot now on my list of fave dj's. Also four:four @ el divino on mondays is mint, but could do with more people and less VIP areas (too many gimps interested in manumission or soger ranchez playing 8 frigging hours ). erm, went to gk @ eden. was ok, too much picotto for my liking, altho armin was excellent. spent loads of time mincing round bars causing mischief and getting rather too pished ya'll want a quick run-down of the weeks antics?
i know u did made me smile! here's me rundown anyways: you’ll all love my tan! ok, so I only have a few freckles, but they are brown freckles! Totally exhausted - did too much in a short space of time (probably more than I did in a fortnight last year!) wouldn’t go for a week again. Ibiza is definitely not losing its touch, although there is still far too much Brandon Block about for my liking * Arrived Sun: spent the full day sunbathing in Coastline – drinking far too many pints of stella. Was lush. Spent rest of night mincing round bars and buttering our worker friend up for some freebies. Although didn’t go to night club, wanted an early night & didn’t manage to get home till 7.30am * Mon: meant to get up n go to DC10. Got up too late so spent the day drinking in the sun at Savannah’s. went to El Divino’s for Dave Seaman & Hernan Cattaneo and met 2 hard house nutters called Liz n Tommy. (they don’t know how they ended up at house night either?!) rest is a blur, got back to apartment late morning Tuesday. * Tue: Got up early afternoon to go to Garlands Workers Party at Bora Bora. Pirate themed so I bought a bandana and a belt. Was mad, crazy & very drunken. Garlands punch is mint! People were walking round with bottles of vodka filling gasses up to the top, even if they were practically empty. Left about 8 to get changed n went to gods kitchen to meet with Liz n Tommy . Picotto was shite but Armin was ellish. Rest is a blur but remember causing mischief with Liz at garden of Eden after. Went to try n get on RISE at garlands after-party at Kanya. Obviously looked to rough coz they wouldn’t let me in shot! so made friends with every1 in there instead, especially these dodgy scots. Got home mid afternoon wed. * Wed: Managed to drag myself out of bed at 10pm and actually managed to stomach half an omlette. Wend to pacha for eric morillo. He was fookin fantastic. Probably the best set I heard all holiday. 40€’s in & 10€ a drink!!!!!! Had no energy. Nothing gave me energy. Had to leave early at 6.30 coz I couldn’t stand up. * Thurs: got up at 12 to do some serious sunbathing. Looked outside - was thick clouds. Messed about in room for a bit then went for tea. Was gonna go to tonic for corvin dalek, but then realised it was TONIC so decided against it. Got completely hammered on 22€ drinks in bar m. found Liz n Tommy crawling on the floor outside of garden of Eden about 7am. Picked them up, took them home. Went to Kanya with some Irish girls, to get famous. Got famous, won a party in a villa that I gave away to Irish girls, was 2faced to Sophie from big brother and blanked the Judge. Was a success I think. Got home mid-afternoon again. * Fri: Managed to get bit of sunbathing in. went for tea, few bars etc, Ste threw up. pretty tame really, was in bed at 4am coz had to get up n pack next morning. * Sat: Think the calm night on Friday proved too much and both of us spent sat morn puking in between packing. Got shouted at off receptionist for leaving room over an hour late. Died for a bit round pool. Tried eating. Was sick some more. Couldn’t be bothered to go present shopping. So we just lounged about hotel till coach came to take us home. Pretty pathetic really. Anyway – that was the short, censored version.
I don't know Lil'Gem but Im guessing that seeing as she seen Sophie from BB the RISE team were there.