Guess Who Just got an Email off Les Hemstock Me! and he wants to come to promise! Scott...thank you for the e-mail. Glad you like the lads made the night for me on saturday. The pics look a bit mad like?..the last ones good of us oughtta send that one to the crasher site. Just woke up...did sheffield with Mauro and Fergie last night didnt get back till 9am! wrekt! You guys take care..I know we will see each other again soon..I hope its at Promise?...drop a word out there for me will all helps. All the best..and thanks again. Les.
I got one off Anne Savage sayin she wants Fizz but I didn't think I'd put it up incase he got a bit excited lol Only jokin of course - she wanted me lol Ahhh I crack myself up sometimes - maybe thats why my mam thinks Im schizophrenic
He's always in Crasher @ the bottom of the stairs dancing his tits off if anyone ever wants to see him - i once thought he was summit to do with the club coz of all the attention he was gettin until i found out on Oakey night that he actually was a DJ and ended the night there - he's well in wi Hardwick aint he anyways coz of "H2J" n then the fact that Hardwick nails Hemmstock n Jennings Tunes....... Wouldnt mind seein him @ Promise