Groundhog Day And for all those that didn't know Groundhog Day is an actual real american holiday it wasn't just made up for the film. So on that note............. Hear Ye! Hear Ye! Hear Ye! On Gobbler's Knob, Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania at 7:27 a.m. this Groundhog Day, February 2nd, 2003, Punxsutawney Phil, King of Groundhogs, Seer of Seers, imitated but never equaled, responded to the summons of Groundhog President Bill Cooper. Bill Deeley, his friend and Handler greeted him affectionately and placed him atop his domicile, the old oak stump. From this lofty seat he addressed the large enthusiastic throng of faithful followers, wishing them a "Happy Groundhog Day." Phil may be as cute as a Beanie Baby but when he predicts in his Groundhogese there is no maybe. He directed president Bill to the appropriate scroll which reads: Governor Rendell joins this joyful throng of several thousand strong and he like everyone will thrill at seeing the magic on this hill as I make my prognostication and give my justification: I see my shadow beside me and that is that magic you see. It causes this midwinter revelry, six more weeks of winter there will be.* And here's Phil seeing his shadow *Taken from