'Grim!' Anybody think that it's 'GRIM' for trance djs to throw a few house tunes into their sets? a personally think it mixes things up a bit and keeps you on your toes as to what your gonna hear next. It's a banker that Marco will be on the case tonight! Wouldn't be him otherwise!
what if you go to a gig expecting one genre and get something you're not in to? what if we went to see judge jules and he threw in a few hip hop tracks to 'mix' his set up a bit? theres nothing wrong with mixing genres, but don't label yourself as a trance dj if you're going to play house, it doesn't make sense to anybody
Marco has done it for ages! SVD has made a name 4 himself doing it and PVD does it as well. imo it shows good technical ability and judgement of tune selection to pull it off. Marco dropped Eric Prydz - 'Proper Education' when he was at Evolve before xmas and i didn't see anyone complaining. The djs that do this have incorporated it as part of their style which a lot of people seem 2 appreciate.
Fair do jackie! If people didn't talk about shit then there would be fuck all else 2 talk about! Am just an argumentative at the end of the day.:argue:
i realize you must be a bit pissed from senior quick calling out your other post and labeling it grim, but just chill - theres one thing about all this music stuff, and thats not one of us feels the same about it as the next person if you wanna argue, cool, but ask yourself what you want out of it before you start
Whoa, am only takin the piss! Just lyk debatin about tunage mate! Its the only time a get me serious head on! A bite lyk a bitch, especially after a couple of tins.
you don't appear to be that good at it yet really mate lol, don't worry though, you'll get better with more practice
Wasn't the point i was making. was just trying to say that certain dj's play tunes from across the board and thats what attracts the crowd. It would be shit if every fucker played with the same style! thats why i love me dance because different djs get you into different moods purely through their tune selection. Mixing and technical ability is an afterthought!