Greedy greedy bastards! After my idea of group booking tickets for GK @ Telewest to get them cheaper over the weekend I rang up today to see what the deal was........ Bloke obviously on work experience at the Arena: "I'm sorry but we don't do any special offers for this event, sir." Me: "Well fuck off then u greedy greedy corporate machine!!!!!!" ....was how the convo wud have went had I not hung up after the first bit. So, I'm sorry but you can't get ur tickets any cheaper. I would suggest going to the box office at the Arena tho so u don't have to pay the stupid booking/handling/whatever they want to call it fee. If you can't make to the Arena then PM me and I'll get them when I'm getting mine and we can sort something out. BASTARDS!!!!!!!!!!!
Isnt he just doin his job ???? I would understand if ya were comin from Asia or summit but the blokes probably just acting on what he's been told ! Im prib talkin shit like but just a suggestion...........
lol nah i werent having a go - u never know it may have been me you spoke to today - i would remem a call like that