Granty, Lindsay, Hutch and Conway. Mini-Mixes were due in today like hew. *Cue excuses* Wanted to get this mixed down for this friday because i'm a busy boy this weekend, and am in leeds most next week. blah blah blah. Detention.
lol, shows how much attention I've been paying to that thread I'll get my gear set up tonight and get it sorted for you fella
Mick may have a problem as his computer is poorly so he hasnt been on much. Will mention it tonight when get home
wtf? should have sent me a message or summit. whens this due for? going to ds on friday, ill sat. will do sunday ??//?
w/e mate, i can change it myself if i really want to. it's getting a touch late now, hutchy's getting his in by sunday/monday at the latest hopefully getting things done on my end for friday.
Aye lads sort it out. I promised sasha and digweed a listen of my latest creation this week, before i get signed to Emfire and Bedrock, and now i look like quite the plum.
if all goes well brid, i'll make sure yours starts with fireworks and crowd noise going off in the background
Right I'm going to do mine in the morning but I'd rather you gave a time limit than a track limit as I could squeeze 4 tracks into 10mins, or drag them out for 20?
upload it to whatever and send me the link via PM, i'll sort it after that - hutchy's due his tommorow so i'll be able to start work then hopefully