Graham Taylor on Cutting Edge One of the finest moments in TV featuring those tactical geniuses Graham Taylor and Phil Neal. Did these people really run our national team No.1 : Graham Taylor reacts calmly to a Poland goal DATE : 29th May 1993 VENUE : Chorzow, Poland OCCASION : The 34th minute of the World Cup qualifier between Poland and England, as essayed a year later on Channel 4's Graham Taylor : An Impossible Job Dramatis Personae: GRAHAM TAYLOR : manager of England PHIL NEAL : Taylor's head coach CARLTON PALMER, JOHN BARNES, DES WALKER, TONY DORIGO, CHRIS WOODS, TEDDY SHERINGHAM : England players DARIUZ ADAMCZUK, ROMAN KOSECI : Poland players Opening close-up of Taylor's face as England build from the back TAYLOR : Stay there, Carlton. Stay there, Carlton. Barnes miscontrols a poor pass from Walker under pressure from Adamczuk TAYLOR : Ooooh, fucking... Do I not like that. The ball breaks to Kosecki, who plays the ball over Dorigo's head for Adamczuk to run through onto TAYLOR : He's got a goal. Adamczuk lobs the out of position Woods. Taylor's head briefly drops TAYLOR : (pause) What a fucking ball. What a ball, eh, from Des to Barnesy. What a fucking... It was our possession. NEAL (off camera) : I know. TAYLOR (pointing) : It was from our free kick. We've come square, and the ball... Des and Barnesy, eh? (pause) Fucking ball, eh? You can talk till you're fucking blue in the face, can't you? Action moves on, as a long ball is played out of England's defence TAYLOR : Come on. Bigger, bigger. Sheringham heads the ball straight to the feet of a Polish player, possibly Adamczuk. Taylor's voice rises TAYLOR : We've done that fucking... (stands up) CAN WE NOT KNOCK IT? (sits down, looks sorrowful, shakes head) They've done everything that we told them not to do. Everything that we told them not to do.