Graduation I have mine 2moz afternoon n am shittin it! Sure will trip over or somet like that. Ne 1 else had theirs n can tell me wot its like?
Graduated from my diploma from art collage back home, i know it wasn't a degree but we all still had to wear robes, its fuckin good fun mate. can't remember the cerimony, coz being art students we were all pissed, but what a rite royal pissup it was too. but don't you be drinking now will ya ( p.s. childishly sniggering at peeps silly names as they are called out ain't a good idea!!!!:evil: :evil: )
Mine was soooo boring! Had drinks in the department first, then went to robing room to get gowns and hoods. Went to briefing room to find out what the procedure was. Were then lead down the stairs into the King's Hall (Newcastle uni), sat down, dignitaries brought in. Short intro, then each person brought up in alphabetical order, hooded before shaking hands with the uni chacellor (Chris Patton) over the dais. Sat back down, listened to the bloke prattle on for about an hour (ZZZZZzzzzzzzz....), left and got pished!!! It's easy enough, all should be explained prior to the ceremony. Good luck and congrats!
Didn't go to mine, could be arsed with the hassel of a 4hr drive down south + paying for all the shit you have to wear on the day. From what my friends said who went it was really boring and they barely saw each other during the 3hr ceremony!
Aaaah shud be fun then! This shudnt b 2 bad as it is only an hour long but me thinks drinks b4 hand is in order! At least av got the grad ball 2 luk 4ward 2 2nite