Goths! <offensiveshaun> smack my twat <steviebabyuk> LOL <steviebabyuk> twat my smack <offensiveshaun> doesnt quite have the same effect does it <steviebabyuk> nope <steviebabyuk> sounds good though <offensiveshaun> think mine is better <steviebabyuk> no mine is better <steviebabyuk> <offensiveshaun> you must try harder <offensiveshaun> must improve <steviebabyuk> :O <steviebabyuk> i disagree mine was better <steviebabyuk> omg you talking to me i dont see anyone else round here so you must be talking to me # <offensiveshaun> the drama <steviebabyuk> lol <mallrat> ello mukka <steviebabyuk> mallrats rules <offensiveshaun> what you whittering on about <offensiveshaun> come forward <steviebabyuk> mallrats <steviebabyuk> the <offensiveshaun> rightttttttttt <steviebabyuk> film <steviebabyuk> oh shush just cos you dont have taste <offensiveshaun> you can go back to where you were standing now <steviebabyuk> huh <steviebabyuk> mmmmmmm kay <offensiveshaun> im not the one who likes rock, know your station because youve just gone way above yours, have a werd you goth head <steviebabyuk> lol rock is better than pop RnB and all that other sissy stuff <offensiveshaun> im not into that <offensiveshaun> read my profile you muppet <offensiveshaun> what are you for <steviebabyuk> mmmmmmmm ka <offensiveshaun> i dont think you have a purpose <steviebabyuk> lol ok so you like crappy scally music <offensiveshaun> know your station, stay there <steviebabyuk> m kay <steviebabyuk> oooo gatetrasher <steviebabyuk> how thrilling <offensiveshaun> ure in no way in a position to even get above yourself <steviebabyuk> lol <steviebabyuk> m kay <offensiveshaun> there's a gram line ket with your name on it <offensiveshaun> we'll sit and laugh, do the line pedro <steviebabyuk> y0 y0 y0 hey hey hey im back <offensiveshaun> BOTHERED <offensiveshaun> we've had enough of you, go sit in the corner, yes over there you can see the spot, sit with your back to us because quite frankly we're sick of the sight of you.