got a random email today off a girl i don't know it said as follows; Hi Alex, Maybe you did not reply because of the weather over here ? Sorry to email again but I'm trying to sort out my datefolder now I am back in the UK.Its a mess. I Sent you an email from my Yahoo datefolder but got no reply ? Are you fixed up now ? Anyway, as I said, just back into the UK from the USA and found your email address in my (UK) Yahoo date folder - must be a bit old ? Please reply to my UK yahoo address direct - not to my datefolder - maybe that was the mistake. Maybe - later ?. If still OK on a meet please let me know and I'll send you my pic and details. xx Sally Anne so i sent her a reply what do you think it was?
i've had that one b4... exact same one. except it sed dan, not alex... i didnt reply so i got another one off her couple of days later asking why i didnt reply. fuck knows what it is.
Hi Danny, Maybe you did not reply because of the German football league games ? Sorry to email again but I'm trying to sort out my datefolder now I am back in the UK.Its a mess. I Sent you an email from my Yahoo datefolder but got no reply ? Are you fixed up now ? Anyway, as I said, just back into the UK from the USA and found your email address in my (UK) Yahoo date folder - must be a bit old ? Please reply to my UK yahoo address direct - not to my datefolder - maybe that was the mistake. Maybe - later ?. If still OK on a meet please let me know and I'll send you my pic and details.