I'm thinking of building a wee pc to sit in the living room like, may have to run XP Media Centre on it though...
just av a look at them quiet pc's or get a little case n fit one of them ultra quiet fans etc urself. not sure bout xp media centre mind trying to watch corrie n ur pc freezes :laugh:
Wouldn't make too much difference to the noise in the living room anyways - I've got a fridge and fridge-freezer in there, they won't fit in the kitchen... Makes it easier to grab refreshment though
Mind you - since I've been running SP2 and locked it tighter than a ladybird's ringpiece, it's only crashed once and that was due to my DVD drive failing. I've had no freezes or owt Is pretty freaky - like computing in the Twilight Zone or summinck... :spangled:
I have a Kiss player (500), they are not perfect but are getting pretty close to it. http://www.kiss-technology.com/?p=dp500&v=users Totally silent too.
nah i'll give u that one...SP2 has made a BIG improvement! really noticeable as well......as long as ppl are careful then windows aint too bad!!
I'm happy with the Xbox under the TV.. at least it's in a cabinet to absorb the sound and linked by XNS to the PC upstairs. If you're really after a quiet Pc to go in downstairs, then get a Dell - chasis quality is good and the fans run close to silent.. along with the hard disk.