@ the locals on the TV last night buying there spud guns ! I mean whats a fucking gun gonna help if a bomb drops beside ya ! MOAB - Mother Of All Bombs ! No hope !
Re: Good luck Iraq Mr Iraq If you shoot them, then they cant kill us, then we(UK) can get on with the job of KILLING YOU! Cheers
The main thing the brits need to watch out for is trigger happy americans, feckin friendly firing idiots
Not that they have to stand beside one. They're longer than a bus, have a 1 mile blast radius and they're so powerful they create a non-nuclear mushroom cloud. Poor bastards don't know what's coming cos they're 'shroomed (kept in the dark and fed with shit)!!
Re: Good luck Iraq thats awful i love american people they're class its really not very nice to say sumfinkn like that y'know... xxx