Going To Work Still Fucked I didnt relise how much of a harrowing thing this is untill it happened to me on saturday has anyone ever had to deal with this. Deffo biggest head fuck i eva had
i did it all the time when i was at school and worked part time at somerfields, saturday/ sunday mornings at work :sick: horrible crack
i used to do it all the time. my old boss was soft as shite so i used to get away with falling asleep in meetings. if i was on the phone i used to fall asleep and let the answer beep wake me up. i used to drink a bucket laod of red bull to get me through the afternoon. i used to shake like a shitting dog
if youve got a coffee machine thingy, take full advantage of it i used to rinse the expresso's when i think back i dunno how i never got sacked
Re: Re: Going To Work Still Fucked Was watching you twats on the web cam still fucked as sat shaking at my desk i was fucking twated top night/mornin tho
I did it every saturday for about a year when i worked at Luckies in town, going to work about an hour late every week still suffering 'ket eye' with double vision and looking like i was next on the grim reapers hitlist. I couldnt do it in my job now though, and even now take mondays off as a holiday if i think a weekend could be particuarly heavy, as really cant afford to be anything but 100%.
only done it once when i was working for my dads mate at a printers, i was meant to be going to town for a couple of drinks but ended up bumping into mates at the stout fiddler and going to promise, i got in for about 4.45 and was out again for work at 6, i've never felt as bad in my life, it was actually the first big step i took into calming down
a while back, I was on call, went to a club, got absolutely twatted. Thought it would be a good idea to have a lie down about 9ish when i got in. as my head hit the pillow I got a phone call from my boss saying there had been some explosions in bunsfield so i had to go into work...I was that wired that I was trying to convince my boss that I was ok and I hadnt exploded... Thats when I realised it was time to call it a day. got to work and was there till 9 in the evening thats a shift... never again
Back when I worked in a callcentre I went to work still wrecked all the time, normally wearing a hoodie borrowed of someone at an afterparty.(sitting with hood up to hide my face and protect me from too much light! ) Used to find it quite amusing and ended up having the most random long conversations with people on the phone that where totally irrelevant to the job. In the job I have now I can drink and get wrecked during work and it actually makes me work better, mint!