Godskitchen Line-up Times? Just hoping if anyone knows what times the DJs will be on at GK@Areana coz I wanna see them all!! But wont beable to, unless there are two of me... now thats a thought!!
What site did u go on mate cos ive been on arminvanbuuren.com and it says that he is playing 10:30 - 12:00
Set times are as follows: Godskitchen Arena: 8-9 - Rob Tissera 9-10.30 - Signum 10.30-12 - Armin van Buuren 12-1.30 - Tall Paul 1.30-3 - Ferry Corsten 3-4.30 - Judge Jules 4.30-6 - John Kelly Sundissential Arena: 9-9.45 - Kenzi 9.45-10.30 - Kerry James 10.30-12 - Tidy Boys 12-1.30 - Lisa Pin Up 1.30-3 - Andy Farley 3-4.30 - Anne Savage 4.30-6 - Lisa Lashes I hope this clarifies things!