God. Soooooooooooooooooooo. When will Mr Mauro Picotto be making his next visit to promise???? Methinks it should be as soon as, ie. November/ december time! PLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEASE get him back. He is God and I love him! Nuff said!
dave clarke kicks mr picotto s arse!! sorry rozz i know how much u like the man, but wait till u hear C.L.A.R.K.E.B.E.T.T.E.R.D.J.D.J.
Yeah whatever! U keep telling yourself that coz i aint listening! He couldnt possibly kick Picotto's ass, Picotto is god. Picotto would kick his ass alone on technical ability. Now fook off! you know i love you really ken XXXXX
although picotto fills the club like no-one else!!a more popular choice might be everyone pays extra to get in as long as he DOESNT play!!! please save us from this ear bashing!!
Get the man in and hey why not give him a 6hr set asweel. BTW i am not being sarcastic i really want him on for that long.
HERE HERE And im sure above theres a comment on Picotto kickin Dave Clarkes arse for Technical Ability LMFAO LMFAO Hmmmmmmm somehow i think not Sorry.........................
fuck the lot of yous! I will have my way!!!!!!!!!!!!! Dont get me started on the technical ability, Picotto would kick anyones ass! Nuff said. Thankyou.
Wanna borrow me mobile to tell someone that gives a fuck ????? No one can ever say that Picotto has more Technical Abilty than Dave Clarke - im nee Techno fan but iv always said that id give it a chance and knowin what i do from my mates and what i seen @ Gcsss then i know that Picotto aint even fit enough to tie the shoe laces on C.L.A.R.K.E. !!!!!!!!! Yeah...................
Shut up John. It wasnt even Glitter angel who said that! She was still logged in. I thought everyone knew she hates picotto.
Ill remember to ask if i can post next time aye ?? I was thinkin it strange of her to do that but then again stranger things have happened in life
lmao dont worry Rozz, you just keep thinkin that Picotto is better than Clarke!! I could put money on the fact that as soon as u hear clarke your opinions will change
I hate to admit it Roz but there right technically dave clarke is better than picotto. And you know i love Picotto but it's true. But apart from technical ability picotto kicks dave clarks arse in every section.
And anyway!!!!!!!!! This is a post about getting Picotto back at Promise, not how Dave Clarke kicks Picotto's butt (coz he just doesnt)
My dads bigger than ur dad so neh neh neh Picotto @ Promise would not get attended by me - for that night and that night only i would rather lick me cats bumhole Fair do's to the bloke like as he is big name DJ and is probs well off totally - must be doin summit right but i think his music is toss and sounds like horses running on and on and on and on !! Thats nowt against u Rozz alreet