Gnarls Barclay - Crazy I know this is in danger of being over played to death on the radio like most good tunes but i absolutley love it
Loads of people are selling the MP3 via email on Ebay from about 0.99p for the single to about 5.99 for his album which includes Crazy
i don't listen to the radio very often excpet on my way to & from work so it's ok thanks again Marc for sending me it
im sure your exact words to me at the boat were, pete sit on my shoulders, and you knew for a fact i was skint that night.
haha you fucking goons, i got slated for liking this on here not so long ago... 'too cool' its a good track and its also been available free on the net for donkeys..
Its a mint tune, if you posted it in one of your 'whats cool' threads then i took no notice cause your a whingy little cock... @ witton shit up you tool :upyours: