glowsticking love seeing people doing this in a club [ame=""]YouTube- Stringing: Adrillf October 2007[/ame]
when i first started clubbing (bout 16 - 17) i used to never be without my glowsticks liks! now i cringe at the very thought
i remember once in promise me mate got some fucking mad strength ones from the army, looked like his hands were on fire
those army ones r mint adam. Use to always have my glowies for Goodgreef back in the day. Bit 1 open once when pillin out my nut nd me drink just didnt taste the same for the rest of the nite.
Lmao aw ana, its horrible stuff like. Dan did we head off into vip at trees?. Am like 99.9% sure we gatecrashed vip as a was fucked. p.s soz if a was talkin utter jib, a was wasted as u cud probly tell haha.
aye we did mate, sat with all the pretentious arseholes and had a drink then fucked off back downstairs
its all cumin bk now, was a mint view from vip like, wish a got sum vids am deffos goin to the Crasher there on the 6th of December.
yeah me too mate, deffo hoying the holiday in at work for the next day as well, not goig thr that torture again
Aw nice1 m8, be a mint night, not a kick n the ass off Xmas so every1 in good spirits!. Infact ill be gettin my party hat back on soon a canit believe its the end of september already!
[ame=][/ame] Not bad!. Bit trippy