Giving it all up For those of you who drink, and even those of you who might do drugs, could you give it all up? Do you believe you could totally drop it from your life? What about if you are a heavy user of either or both? For those of you who have, was it hard? Are you glad for having dropped them? Do you miss them? What do you spend the extra money on now?
I could easily give any of it up drugs wise, so long as it was removed from my temptation. I don't tend to seek drugs out, but if they are offered to me I can't seem to say no. Could definitely give up alcohol. I hate being drunk!
I could never get the thought of a nice cold pint on a warm sunny day out of my head. Its there for life. If I was stranded on a desert island I wouldnt crave either though.
I loved dance music for about 8 years before i even walked in a club.... Even when i started to get into clubbing alot it was still at maximum maybe only once a month on average at absolute best - these days maybe once every two or three months. With anything, it will eventually wear you down and get you bored if its the same old thing week in week out .... im almost glad i dont go as much as i want cause it keeps me itching to go clubbing even though im on the wrong side of my twenties. .... Losing a whole weekend from getting no sleep and getting too smashed soon gets boring aswell, not to mention the effect it has on going to work on the monday after etc. So no .... im not considering giving it up, because its something i dont consider negative in my life - it ENHANCES it How could anyone get bored of being in a club when a great tune hits or something, and all your friends and people are all going absolutely mental .... one of the best feelings in the world!!!!
caned everything under the sun every week for years and dont miss it. havent dropped everything from my life completely, just settled down a bit