shurrup moaning, they did the trick, they made me feel a bit tipsy! I've got a big bottle of gin that I was going to bring for us to us to have a few drinks before sunnyd on sunday
gin is revolting............... i'll start my campaign now.............................. VODKA should b the only legal alcoholic drink apart from apple sourz & passoa...........bugger that's fucked up already............. erm................ VODKA VODKA VODKA that should b the only alcopop drink thing tho...........
So much for our naughty free weekend that weekend eh, do you remember what we did in total Good plan batman, we can drink it in the train station, look and act like dreds of society till we can get in the hotel
hahah gin makes me wanna fite ppl...... no matter how big they are i fink i can take em on silly me all alcopops make me ill tho...cheep voddy they put in em
Haha :angel: Our missions always come good in the end I think we should have an easy 1 at north and get things sorted beforehand
Alco pops make me go crazy, end up been well dodgy and agressive if i have to much of that red square stuff. i.e. The Cradlewell Insident's
you can also get a alcopop called gordons edge, g & t alcopop. excessive consumption can lead to acts of amazing stupidity.
Never had ginpops, but I have tried most sprits with Red Bull & I can tell you apart from the smell gin is 1 of the best drinks to mix with Red Bull. The best drink after vodka with Red Bull is Martini
martini & red bull - what a strange combo.... completely irrelevant but a strange combo thats actually tastey is a bottle of blue wkd mixed with a double makes alcoholic vimto!!
It was an afterpary where there was loads of diffrent types of spirits & loads of red bull but no vodka.