Gillette Adverts How do they get away with making the most cheesy adverts in the world? I just saw one with a smooth looking cheesy man racing down some sort of tunnel in a shit sports car, then a weird american looking lady in leather pants feels his face and kisses him and they both do smiles that could be from a colgate advert... Sort it out
I just saw an advert for Nivea anti-wrinkle cream for men.. THe woman at the end just tugged on his CHEEK and said not bad.. :sick: These should be banned!
Re: Gillette Adverts These adverts are aimed at frustrated young men. I can bet you my house Chris Spence uses Gillette and Lynx deo
i agree 100% they opitomise american mentality in about 30 seconds of d grade film footage. they make me gringe. after watching them id rather shave with broken glass and tcp