gigadance festival,sat 23rd june....oss (holland) over 50 artists in these country surroundings in the estate of the gielekespad...12.00-23.30 tickets available at 29.75 stage 1 Benny Rodrigues Don Diablo Erick E Miss Monica Randy Katana Remy Tony Cha Cha Le Nouveau and Extrema Music 2 Ratha Rejected Darko Esser Eric de Man Marc Benjamin Rene Amesz Skitzofrenix Live: 16 Bit Lolita's MC: Spyder Hardnature 3 Balistic Charly Lownoise Francois John Harrington Mike S Nagoom Paul Elstak Reload-R Sebulba Super Marco May Tecknoiz MC: Rems Housestation Stage 4 Bram de Winter Denz Erwin S Marc Zeebregts Ozani Rize Rogier Zeebregts Simone T.L. Seng Live: Groove Agent