Get rid of some records! Ive got 200+probs 300, commercial trance,house,funcky house some trance. Tell you the truth not my stuff!. Doesnt appeal to me stuff from 90s- 00s Iam selling around the £90. I orignally bought therm off ebay for 170 are something!. Your welcome to have a look! . Want to get rid of them!
yeah iam crap!, I might do a list soon!. Iknow i got stuff like blank and jones after love, york on the beach plus loads. Comercial tripe as well! I must been dum to buy the records there crap!
Not got round to sorting this list yet then mate? You seem to know nowt about music, therefore there could be some hidden gems amongst your "commercial tripe" (Did they not provide you with a list when you bought them of eBay? - Copy and paste if they did).
Yeah m8 i know whats good and bad, i rather waste time type this than do a list!!. I might do a list when theres crap to do!!