"get brained" @ foundation Was getting enrolled yesterday and they were handing out flyers for "get brained", a new student night... on a friday at foundation. Anyone seen these?
Hmmm. Irresponsible advertising, blah blah blah? I thought local councils were trying to crack down on nights specifically advertised in this way. Edit - God I'm getting old and boring!
Not having a pop at whoever's running it, but the flyers did look extremely tacky. I'm a student and I wouldn't go to that, I'd rather go to smile on a monday If you wanted tacky there's always Wiggle @ NSU on a Saturday
Flyering is the only way foundation are going to get people to see which nights are on unfortuantly .... whats wrong with the flyers? Isnt get brained RnB....it needs to be tacky!!
It said "student anthems" so it could be anything flyers don't need to be tacky to get people's attention though.
I think tacky works with students Quite a lot of students (not all) have quite bad taste in music and are only interested in cheesy tunes and cheap drinks Especially freshers
nice generalisation there its like saying most people on this board have bad taste in music actually , on second thoughts.............
Just from my experience of being a student in sheffield all the most popular nights were always cheesy nights, and a lot of nights playing 'good' music failed because they couldnt get enough people through the doors
I found the flyers for it at the bottom of one of my note piles from first year. It ain't as bad as the vodkafish thing they had on at the boat - we tried that once. Never again
The same is true to an extent up here. I've only been to wiggle once, but I've heard from mates that go regularly that it's always rammed.
This is also how it was in my day (not THAT long ago... '94-'97 i may add ) Students Mon-Thurs - Clubs in town for all the cheap nights aimed at students Fri-Sat - leave the clubs to the 'locals' who pay the super expensive prices while we 'stay local' and go to the various unions or studenty clubs i went to Uni in leciester. Obviously there's the posher students who daddy pays a salary to so they can afford the appartment every friday
nah i totally agree helen, it sounds a bit OTT if you ask me. im a student and there would be no way i would get sucked in by something tacky and nasty like that, but then again, unlike a growing majority of students, I have taste, standards and morals. well..... i understand what the club is trying to do but i dont think this is the right way to go about it tbh.