gender Ok, got a problem, Im writing an essay on the dissolving gender divisions in post-war britain and the lecturer said youd get more marks if you didnt rely on stuff from the lec. so i thought about putting something on discrimination towards homosexuality and the division of gender that way. sounds daft at first but in the question gender is a social status rather than physical thing - it doesnt rest on what body parts you have. so, question is, can discrimination against homosexuality in politics and the work place be used as an example of gender discrimination? Oppinions please!
Good ta see ya working hard, hope its going well hun I would say no to your question as homosexuality is to do with a person's sexuality and is not dependent on gender, ie it does not matter because both males and females can be homosexual. But then again... if someone discriminates against a gay man but not against a lesbian this could be seen as gender discrimination. Hope that helps
Re: Re: gender the definition of gender that ive been told to use is "socialy determined differences", so i need to work out if i can get away with saying that homosexuality is a gender as could be classed as having socially determined differences intrinsic in it. the reason im having a prob with it is that i wouldnt usualy describe it as a gender *clutching at straws!*
its not relient on sex tho, the reason i thought about it was because it was described as "gender devision" and not sexual discrimination (ie, discrimination between men and women)
Its a toughie, but I dont think it can be a gender discrimination because it does encompass both males and females
dont think youre thinking bout it the way i am. gender doesnt take account of whether youve got dangly bits or not, sex has nothing to do with it, its purely social attitudes. ive convinced myself! If im short on words ill put it any way failing anyhow so its worth a shot
imo i wud class homosexuality discrimination as sexual discrimination rather than gender discrimination.... these to me are examples of sexual discrimination: women being paid less women being sacked or given worse jobs due to pregnancy men/women being refused for a job b/c it is better suited to the opposite sex in some ways i can c your point but not sure how u'd b able to link it in with what u need.....if u did another related topic then u wud b able to link it in with the discrimination faced by homosexuals in the work place!
I get ya but I dont see how homosexuality is involved... I can understand if it were alternative sexualities like transsexuals and transvestites but homosexuals are not the same... but you are probs right, if ya'v convinced yourself just do it and worry later... thats what I do
maybe i can change it to transsexuals, but then im technicaly regognising the gender division myself, rather than being impartial. hmmmm, word to any one going to uni soon, dont take politics kids, it rots your brain! :spangled:
Thats what I meant... homosexuality relates more to sexual orientation, whereas transgendered can be related to gender as people either believe/act/modify themselves into a different gender.
I'm on the side that consists of everyone but Paula...sorry! Even if you're saying that "gender" is a socially-determined thing, it's still a plain "male/female" thing...whether socially-determined or physically-determined. However!...Put it in anyway! Don't go on about "oh well homosexuality is a gender blah blah blah"...but put it as a, erm, thinking point! Add it as a sort of question....."something that could be questioned is whether homosexuality is also a part of this socially-determined gender discrimination" or whatever (I don't think that makes sense!) Martin!! Back me up on this one! You do a sort of Geography must've done Geography at A-level! When you write essays don't just answer the question but bring up other questions...which you don't necessarily need to answer but it's a point that you can write about which is connected to the main question. Just make sure you don't write TOO much about it or you'll get marked down for straying away from the question in hand. That help? Or not?
Yep... thats why I put believe/act/modify... cos people can believe themselves to be a different sex to what they physically are, some people choose to change their appearence while others don't... its down to the person and this is a gender issue, not sexuality... although there can be a fine line between the two... phew think thats what I mean
Did, env science, geology and IT at a-level But you are right... waffling off the subject but making it appear relevant and you know what you are talking about has got me this far
Oh well....they're all close to Geography! And yeah...I'm an expert at that too Though it buggered me up for my A-level coursework where I had to do an essay of NO MORE than 2,500 words! They marked you down if you went over! I resat that coursework module 3 times