Gears wasnt sure where to put this, but hey. my kid's mate has a saracen bike he wants to sell but the cable that controls the gears has snapped. anyone got any ideas about how much this would cost to get fixed/replaced? just so i know how much to knock off his offer. cheers.
A gear cable costs about a quid and takes no more than 5 mins to replace, unless of course you're an idiot in which case it'll cost you a tenner or so from a bike shop, and you wont see the bike for weeks.
does it matter what bike make it is etc? i havent a clue about bikes (re: "unless of course your an idiot")
all the cables are exactly the same, doesn't matter what kind of bike it is normally. you can get a pack of shimano cables from ebay for a fiver which are decent, or you can get some noname ones for a couple of quid. Either will do.
front and back gear cable is the same. thread it through, select the small cog at the back and front, tighten cable. make sure the adjuster is in all the way before you start if its the back, then use it to tighten the cable if you need to - so the chain reaches the top cog when you adjust the shifter. 2.99 for a cable usually, it'll be less than a tenner to have it fitted depending where you go.