gateshead LMFAO its newcasltes ugly little brother i was in newcastle today doing some business and decided to walk around and check out newcastle, after about an hour i set off over the bridge into bosnia, what a terrible place, its just as bad as seahams town centre
I live in Darras Hall, Its the only place to live in the North East. FACT. I have a lovely view of Dunston Rocket from the window of the office i work on the quay side!! EYESORE!!
i lived there for 5 years......its a shithole. run in seperate areas by horrifying goths and out of control charvers. you will either get stabbed or watch someone stab themselves.
i dont think its that bad, ive never had any bother, and with a face as pretty as mine, you would expect some
yet again, i find whitley bay has a lot of social outcasts there. for instance my ex girlfriend lives there, not to mention jess c