I dont know, there use to be and Im pretty sure that was done by Candywax, they did the Leicester coach so I'd imagine they did both. Candywax seized business so if it was Candywax who did it, there isnt one now
There's always 'Crasher Dave' I'll warn you now though, I don't know anything about him but apparently he runs coaches. Crasher Dave > 07751238096 He posted this on the Good Greef messageboard, it might be worth giving him a ring http://www1.gurn.net/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=145303
try the number @ the bottom of the page... If you cannot find your town listed or require further information before booking, please call - 07074 258 287 maybe they can help?
Strange U can get a single ticket there for £8.50 and the same for on the way back!! But for a return its £42:spangled:
What can u do in Sheffield for 3 hours @ 6am in the mornin? Is there any clubs open after crasher? I now it sounds like a daft question but i'm only asking
its not a daft question really!!! what time do macdonalds open? u cud scare the workers there by talking cod shit!! :chill: