Gatecrasher -- Wet just been listening for first time in long while how f**king good is it still years on this album will never be beaten imo the tunes just to name 3 of many mint ones generator - where are you now agnelli and nelson - everyday cygnus x - the orange theme
yeah black is mint aswell like but ya right the memories on these old cds id rather stay in listen to this than some of the stuff ya here out these days
Random fact- In one of the crowd shots from lotherton hall you can clearly see me in the sleve Hardly a claim to fame like, but was well chuffed when l saw it!!
No, the best Crasher CD has to be the 3-disk pink one- Residents Transmisson. Ahhh man thats the best CD i own!! Its scratched to pieces as well. Totally mint :wub:
Wet was the first one i bought ever then went back album wise and bought Red and then Black n tried to keep up thereafter. It was about 01 i realised that id best get myself to Sheffield and did in May 01 to go to Gatecrasher so be it with a few "minor" hick ups the night before, one of the best nights i have had there in The Republic. I dont think there's a shit Gatecrasher album out even if they didnt need to bring the Classics ones out.