I have all the vinyl's as well They should of realsed Black on 12" as well ***** :evil: Half side tunes tho, full sides would of been a winner
awesome cd defo the bast gatecrasher cd i've heard... The wet vinyl usually goes for around the 30 quid mark on ebay so someones getting a good payday out of it
even lower than the von dutch cap I was young and KrAzY :cyber: Back in the day I stood and watched Sasha and Diggers b2b with a staggering 30 other clubbers...while a furter 5000 were going KrAzY to john kelly in the next arena
Just checked and its a lot of four albums on vinyl...if i had the coin i wouldve chucked a bid in Gatecrasher vinyls
Gatecrasher Lotherton Hall was fuckin immense!!! Star of the show was Oakenfold though. Main tent about 7000 people BOUNCING. Amazing atmoshphere. What a fuckin set. Dropped CJ Bolland - The Prophet and the whole tent just lit up in a massive bright light. Without doubt one of my favourite clubbing sets/experiences Shame he sold out though......
Christ i hated Wet so much - the black and red ones will always have a special place in my heart though ... black was the point where trance exploded around the world i reckon, at least trance as we think of it these days.
I agree that Gatecrasher black & Red are immense, they stir immotions in me that cant be reached by no other. I put my hands down and say that GC black is possibly one of the best trance cd's ever made and Red is in a league of it's own, sheer class. GC wet though i think is the purist form of futuristic trance considering when it was made, it is and always will be one of the best compilitions to date. Admit it, Gatecrasher gave Trance the foundations it truley needed to kick sart a new era of dance music and i will forever have the utmost respect for the club that is gatecrasher and the one and only Scott bond. Thankyou for the inspiration.
They never played B2B... Diggers played first for an hour, then Sasha. Scott Bond & Tiesto closed the same arena/tent. Lotherton Hall is also the best time I have had clubbing.
http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&rd=1&item=4710955133&ssPageName=STRK:MEWA:IT final price for the four albums