Gatecrasher Afghanistan tour in pictures Another 1 of my piss take productions I did ages ago, Ive come across it, doubt you've seen this 1 either so I'll post it This is meena, she likes trance, the management came across her as they wandered the streets of Kabul. They gave her VIP entry as a goodwill gesture as she gave them apple tea Word gets around Gatecrasher are in town, people frantically look to make an outfit The Gatecrasher Afghan faithful wait impatiently outside as the event prepares to get underway remained tight as they came in their droves, under 18s were not allowed at the event despite many trying to get in. With appearances from Scott Bond, Judge Jules and to finish local talent from DJ Abdula Bula, the party was in full swing. The local hardhouse nutters were also out in force, as Sundissentials familar red/yellow colours made a show on the dancefloor Casulaties were few, medics were on hand The official afterparty was held in conjunction with Insomniacz
How the fuck can Scott Bond make it all the way over there, but can't be bothered to drive for a couple of hours up the road to play at Promise. The Bastard
Mark should of told him that everyone would buy him a burger or hotdog or something from over the road at Foundation, if he had of turned up the fat fucking tool.:evil: