Garage Djing, Studios, and Equipment!? Does anyone use there garage or something similar as their studio and DJ setup?? Do you have any problems? Anything I should be aware of before I go ahead with it? Do you have issues with moisure? What do you do to avoid damage from moisture?? I got advice from a fellow DJ to use silica gel (the likes you find in boxes of new trainers, etc) however, when I phoned to order a batch the guy advised me to find an alternative more practical solution as even 40 sachets would soak up their max moisture within a week and I would have to frequently reactivate them in the oven. I understand a dehumidifier is an alterantive, but would I need it on constantly?.. the cost to keep that on all the time would be silly! Just looking to see what other people do in the same situations and what pros and cons they've personally come across. Any advice, info, and guidance would be grandos appreciated. Thanks
I used to about 4 years ago when i lived at my nannas. Probs the best days of my life, was loud as fuck. must have spent about 4 hours a night on the old 1210s. Had no problems at all apart from it was quite bitter in the winter, but a calour gas heater sorted that out
Wouldnt use a garage for several reasons. Cold as fuck, easy to break into, terrible acoustics for making tracks, damp would be an issue if your garage let damp in. You would be best off insulating the walls and using some form of sealer to cover any holes where damp way work its way in. Chain all your equipment together, including your computer, buy a big dog to guard your stuff when your not there, or live in there forever. Also I think this may be the wrong section of the forum. No doubt a few people may mention this.
can't really see how it's in the wrong section like. it's a rather general question IMO but yeah - depending on the size and what's in your garage already, the acoustic's might be shite - but that's me like, i spent fucking hours getting it right in my room. tbh i wouldent have thought about the damp, i would have done it anyway - however i dont think i would of kept my computer in a garage. i live but a stones throw from many a rouge.
my mate done this about 8 years ago, really pissed his neighbours off like, one even threatened him with a hammer!
i use my loft , canny size like . but if u use a garge u would need to build a room within a room (garage in this case) keeping sound down , heat in and better sound results. a dehumidifier will keep miosture down and a constant temp above freezing whicxh keeps the kit happy