gap free recording if you've recorded a set and want to break it up but not put gaps inbetween the tracks what's the best way to do it??? even if i set the gap's to 0 seconds there's still a little glitch!!:spangled: :spangled:
Re: gap free recording may be ya cdr mate some of em stick a lil titchy gap even if u specify not to!
nahhh dont think so mate.....some recorders are just not able to do it wot u cud do tho is try writing at a lower speed.....could help... last resort try sum different cdr software...nero is good...
you amstrads! iv never had this problem in my life but after reading this post all of my new cds have gaps or clicks! twats.
haha!! I have sussed it. I am not only the best looking but I also Nero-Meister! Buy me a pint at Vizz and Ill show you paupers.
you can gep free recording if u use easy CD Creator dave, just do it 'disc at once'...and it will take out all the gaps...!
lol, and at the very last second, some1 beats me to the proper answer! disc at once will get rid off all the gaps!