Future boat party & paul woolford - sat 28th june

Discussion in 'Going Out' started by darbo45, May 16, 2008.

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  1. darbo45


    Jan 21, 2006
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    Future boat party & paul woolford - sat 28th june

    ue to the little bit of sunshine we got last week, our heads went a little crazy from the sun and came up with an idea which will have everyone in a summer mood!

    we will be hosting the boat party on saturday june 28th, we have 110 tickets for sale.
    the tickets will be £15 this gets you on the boat for 3 and a half hours, and also gets you into the club on the evening! thats 11 hours of music magic!! we are already getting great feedback from these just from a few people we have told. we will be bringing an excellent line up, with some of the north easts rising stars that always make a party of anywhere they play!!

    due to the limited amount of space upon the boat, we are giving you guys the chance to snap them up before anyone else. if you are interested then give me or denney a text or pm and we will get things sorted!

    FUTURE Boat Party -

    Neil Bainbridge (shindig)

    Sean Peacock (Push)

    Jon Woodall (backtobasics & Whalebow)

    then on the evening @ the cornerhouse,middlesbrough

    FUTURE - Welove....... album tour

    Paul woolford (2020 vision,Welove.....)

    Jo mills (DC10, Azuli, Wonderland)

    Denney (saved records)

    Satruday june 28th
    Future & Future boat party
    price £15
    2-5.30pm (boat) & 10.30 - 5am (thecornerhouse)

    if anyone is interested please PM me
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