**FULL Lost Photo Collection** If u want to see all the Lost vs Vuzz pics go here>> http://www.technoorgasm.capitalhosts.com/cgi-bin/imlist.php?cwd=gallery/lostvsvuzz2 also there is a video we made, which is amazingly hilarious!! will see what ican do to put files for download somewhere!
mate, that page takes fukkin ages to load.... I think its cos all the "thumbnails" are full size images right click the properties and it ses they're 90k'ish!
gutted i didnt go... bough tickets aswell but we fell asleep on sat afternoon and didnt wake up till bout half past 8 ffs!
apologies too mate for a no show. Some good news was revealed on Saturday and I ended up getting hijacked by a crew of vodka weilding maniacs....
fizz i so cant be arsed to wait for them to d/load. please make them smaller, or let me raid your computer lol
i will make them smaller tonite dont worry but if u r patient enough to wait for all thumbnails to download, then it only takes one click and the full image is there on your screen anyways in an instant..
LOL, well no not really......... cos thumbnails arent just there to make it quicker for you to browse the images, they are there for the main purpose of: WHICH ONES DO I WANT TO LOOK AT? and WHICH ONES DONT I WANT TO LOOK AT? thumbnails give you a small preview to which images you would like to see in full first, but yeah, they could be a bit smaller though!!!!