Fucking Frustrating Framsets!!! ARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGH :bang: :bang: :bang: I don't know what the crack is with this. I have made sites in the past using frames and had little bother. However, I am making a simple site using frames for a uni project. I have used dreamweaver and created the frames and pages, and set the targets. However, I can't for the life of me have the sodding frameset appear when its uploaded, it just loads the actual index page itself with no frames, where it should be bringing up the whole framset and displaying the index page in the main frame. For preservation of my sanity, please tell me what I am not doing PS - It shows up fine when previewed locally.
Got it working now! I stupidly saved the frames as individual pages, and didn't save the overall frameset. Cheers for the advice!