Fuck heres me sitting watching tv in america dreading my flight on september 11th and ten all of a sudden on all channels its live to US congress that the U.s intelligence has uncovered alot of plans for more terrorism and the U.s is now on the highest level of security alert....theyre talking like theyre warning people for the end of the world. and to top it all off it sounds like world war 3 outside cus of a massive storm aaarrGGGHHHHHHH' im so not going anywhere near that airport!!!!
uh oh!! saw ur card at the weekend helz... hehehe am still laughin at it now, that photo of andre is perfect!!!
i cant beleive what im seeing and hearing....they are trying to cause the whole u.s to panic i think its like....RUN EVERYBODY WE ARE AT EXTREME RISK OF EXTREME TERRORISM...but where the fuck do u run to cause they dont know where its going to be? but apparently they are acting on specific intelligence?? oh dear *rings british airways*
"AMERICA CALLS YOU TO STAY ALERT BUT STAY DEFIANT" will sum1 please explain to me how to do this? check under the car for bombs but still go to walmart???
Grrr @ terrorists!!! They better not prevent me Helz from coming home! We've got lots of musicals to see missy! No but really hope nothing happens hun!
thanks jules...im getting no levels of concern here off gif...he;s more worried about making the perfect meal for me b4 i leave....he just wont take it that im not actually going!....not a chance in hell!! wot so fucking ever...theres been too many coincedences with me and terrorists in the last year lol i keep thinking of the film final destination or whatever its called...and my instincts are telling me to stay (honestly its my instincts...not the thought of a few more days holiday )
wat sort of retarded moron books a flight on sept 11.... even if u don't get flown into the eifel tower your not going to leave the airport till tomrrow due to 12 hour security checks.... I laughed at u when u told me and I@ll laugh at you again... retard
i didnt even think when i booked it...i just asked for the day i wanted to leave then sed hmm and i'll come back a week later....i knew it was around the same time of year as my first trip but i was booking 3 flights that day and had 50000 dates thrown at my poor ears so i was past listening lol miami takes about 5 hours on security on a normal day!!! bah!
i know, im a self confessed retard cus i didnt even realise until about 2 months after i booked the damn thing hehe if i didnt think it was true it wouldnt have bothered me
I hope everything is OK Helz. I was very concerned when I found out that my mate Nikki is flying back from Australia tomorrow, thats not even in America, but who knows what they will target?! And when, where etc.
I can imagine all the flights after this very date being booked solid as well so it would be a nightmare attempting to get a flight change..
just sent my boyf out for a bottle of sumthing strong...im just going to be intoxicated and go through with it...i reckon i will have like 4 seats to myself or sumthing my flight is BA208 just incase
cos i dont really want ne terrorism or people being killed or nething and it makes me really scared!!