free xbox 360 got delivered back home today bros bringing it up this weekend sweet. mint when things are free.
not yet can't decide what to get, thinking maybe hitman, but i reckon i'll be able to complete it in a day, so i'm a bit dubious about it. Anyone know any hard games, or any big adventure ones like final fantasy. Baring in mind i'm fucking awesome on computer games so it needs to be uber hard.
yeah i've got hd on the go, but its vga only, the retards at microsoft made the output on there console analog so you can't get a hdmi cable cause its digital.
It's not until you set up both vga and hdmi/dvi side my side that you really get what it's all about. On a big screen vga leaves parts of the picture out of focus and the colours washed out. Bad crack microsoft. What res does the 360 put out? Is it 720p or 1080i?
i think it does all of them, it depends what the game your playing supports, the maximum i've got it on at the moment is 1320 x 768, thats on the elder scrolls game. But tbf vga is better than scart, the graphics don't really look any better than the old xbox on scart imo.