Free Land - We want your Soul anybody heard this... new tune from Adam freeland's band, wickid breaks with some mad samples, definalty worth a listen.. "Your tits, your ass... we want your soul"
Aye, that was definitely one of the top tunes from Glastonbury this year, heard almost every breakbeat dj play, if not play it twice. Its released in a couple of weeks too, August the 5th if I remember rightly. :cyber:
Yeah i heard it was gettin a lot play down there, adam freeland's stuff is wickid at the minte defo gonna purchase it when its released
Aye me too. Definitely. You heard his essential mix? Its absolutely quality. That White Stipes remix is class.
nah missed his essential mix, gonna download it now yeah the white stripes mix is class, was gonna order it the other day, wasnt sure i had the money, hes done one of nivarna's 'smells like teen spirit', think its that one
Aye, I was gonna buy those Nirvana and the White Stripes remixes aswell but didn't have my bank card on me at the time. Paul Lancaster played that Nirvana remix at our last Resistance night. Freeland =
it is shit hot aint it! his essential mix is one of the best ive heard this yr, to my memory i can only think of the dj yoda/greenpeace one that is better!