France Suffer Toxic Ricin Attack! Just been on SKY News...France has suffered a Ricin attack (or somes been found) in a Paris rail station! Yeah, nice one Jacque, protect Sadam and terrorist states, then get at attack yourself. Sweet irony.
it doesnt matter if it injures one or kills a thousand, its still an attack isnt it, the potential for attack still exists. This is just one incident, is that to say thats it... no. No one said it was a weapon of mass destruction did they?
Tranced I can see your point, but nobody is ever going to make ricin for a good reason are they? Even if the amount of damage that they can do is small, the fact that people are making it, and the fact that it is toxic is a worry
which is why Vandanburg put (or somes been found) in brackets. Lets face it, its almost certain to be used in an attack somewhere...
shock horror! what about the women & kids getting blasted in their homes in Iraq RIGHT NOW!!! nobbers!
Well, that's the way it came accross when Sky first news flashed it, sure we know now that it was not a mass attack, but it's still gonng to do damage if let off in a confined space such as a rail station.