foundation refit theres a lot of stuff goin round about the refit.. like the 3rd floor is goin2 be used for a studio.. but what is happenin 2 the main room and the club?.....
Just a general tidy up like new paint and probs a re-covering of the chairs just so it looks nice again. Upstairs is changing the most though - something to do with the DJ booth and the sound up there I think. It's costing 30K or something like that so who knows what it's gonna be like. Hope the smell of paint isn't too bad when we get back.
What they doing to the booth? Hope they don't put PDX2000s in it, otherwise I'll have to turn down my Shindig gig when I'm offered it!
If 30k's a true figure I'd like to see some of it apportioned to a stage bein fitted for dancin on cos every1 gets asked to get down from the two bits on the side straight away nowadays n it sucks! :evil: :evil:
Oh well close I suppose lol Only sayin what it said on the Stonelove flyer - I think it said 30 anyway
Cogan admit it you're full of shite! Why are our brains all mangled, I cant remember nowt, not even to shut the garden gate. Poor dogs.