Foundation - Cash Machine?? Just wonderin if theres still a cash machine in Promise? Been a while since i was there
if dangerous when you're in a drunken stupour... the next morning you realise u bought a vodka red bull and got another £50 cashback at 1:58am.... but still managed to spend it all...
alreet omid. its jeff. dont think im out tonight mate after all. spent my pennies on records. will be at vuzz at egypt cottage for a bit tho if ya fancy it before yous go to promise have a good one and say high to everyone
I'm not sure if they still do that, I have tried twice recently and they have said no both times! Also, don't rely on the cash machine too much, it doesn't always work.
Re: Foundation - Cash Machine?? sure is!, think it chasrges ya a couple of quid tho, coz its one of those link machines!! xx
If the machine's not working and you need money the bouncers will probably let you out for ten mintues to go to a cash point, I think the nearest is opposite Pitcher and Piano!
Total rip off. Should be free to withdraw your cash! Almost all jobs are bank credited pay, so it should be free to withdraw the cash you've earnt.