For those who can mix I can't, have tried, and i'm fucking pish, hats off to the likes of iamian and co who can. so many peeps go on about how they can mix this and mix that, some can exeptionally well, but some are just full of shite. anyone else tried but just can't seem to get it?
ah , to be fair i ain't put too much effort in, just mess about sometimes on my mates decks, ain't go a set myself. probs summat to do with it.
i had decks for about a year and had little idea how to mix properly..once you get the hang of it, it's so easy!stick in there!
Daves right, i was the same not really knowing what was doing for ages. learned a bit about beat matching and structure. and after practise u get the hang of it
i bought records for a while before i got decks, then got decks, but still knew no1 who could dj and show me what to do!i eventually worked it out and have just practised hard!
i learned from my own mistakes. ive still got the first tape i ever did, after a month of mixing.. it was class.. sounds like a proper rail disaster.
its all about practise... jus keep at it an one day it jus comes to ya... a bit weird really i still remember when i first got my decks an spent ages trying to mix for an angel into another way and avenue.
i went halfers on some decks with a mate, cos we always fancied ago, this was before i was really into dance music, and got into it that way. after months of just playing about, was told about a little bit about beat structure then the beat matching seemed a whole lot clearer to me
I bought some cheap belt drive decks nearly three years ago but i quickly discovered that it was an expensive habit. Within six weeks i spent another 500quid on records, amp speakers! I was shit and i never really had time so have't bothered to use for ages...bit of a waste of money really..i haven't got the time, dexerity, talent, patience or money
I think if you really want to, anyone can do it! I can't play any instruments, can't read music or anything, yet I can mix...just keep going!
you'll find there's a big learning curve. At first, u can pick up the basics quite quickly and have a bit of fun beat matching, spin backs etc. Once you've done that, to perfect it, it's constant practice that'll you'll need. thats how i found it.
yeah, i suppose... its well hard trying to explain how to mix tho... i think most people you kinda taught themselves, an i know when people ask me how to do it i find it hard to explain it well.
I learned by recording myself and listening back almost everytime I went on the decks. Learn from your mistakes as Dave says. It takes ages tho!