For sale - a 'footballer' Answers to name of Laurent Robert or 'lazy git'. One careful owner. Seems to struggle tracking back. Buy now and get Nol Solano free!!!!!!
Re: For sale - a 'footballer' no fear just get the wolves defenders, i loved their tactics, hang around the goal and when the ball comes fall about like a rag doll and push the ball away with any part of their anatomy!!! shear brilliance
He was 10p the last time I looked. And, to think, he alledgely assaulted Alan Oliver bcos he had the knowledge to question his committment!
And while were on this, Bernard is crap too. Well hes certainly not a left back at least. How many times did Wolves get in with Newton down the right in the second half??? And where was Bernard every time? For some reason he had drifted inside to about 3 yards from the centre backs, leaving half the pitch open. Nver mind eh? Perhaps our left sided midfielder will be there helping out and tracking back. Oops sorry i went of into a bit of a dreamworld there.
thats why robert should of been there!!! bernard has to go inside to help the central defenders out and the winger has to track back and mark up!! bernard was doin his job and robert wasnt!!! hes bollocks get him selt
If Roberts been getting shit lately from what im hearing off that twat named Alan Oliver from the Chronicle then i hope in todays papers Olivier Bernard has been slated to death for what i have to say was one appaling effort to play football - a fucking joke that bloke is Personally id keep Robert as there aint alot that we could get who will do the job on the left wing :spangled:
you just don't understand anything about football. if players play that badly against people who are playing better than they are then you get beat. that is why we are slagging the stupid french cunts off, ok. players on the sort of money that they are on, should not play that badly all the time. Newcastle United= the only thing that matters!
Exactly. Robert obviously doesn't care or understand bcos he's been like that for most of the season. When he's good, he's brilliant but that seems to be happening less and less. We can't afford to carry players like that in the hope that they might win us one or two games a season. If Bernard was at fault on the left then u have to blame Robert too for not getting back and helping. I'd rather have a hard worker than an occassional match winner in my team.