for fucks sake - torrents #include <rant.h> #include <moaningbastard.h> { Someone tell me a good torrent site please. My pc really is close to going out the window. Every torrent i try to get i get tracker rejected dogshit. if i hear the windows critital stop beep thing ONE more time i will throw this monitor out the window. Why do MS make THE MOST ANNOYING sounds possible for windows }; I have no problem with that try upgrading your torrent client, that could be why the tracker's aren't connecting. you have to register but once you have and you seed you get priority over other users im a bronze member, my upload is the same as my downloads (only a few mb off silver) and im getting speeds of over a 100kbs but it keeps records of all the torrents you d/l and if you dont seed you get shit speeds
what is seeders/leechers mean anyway? tried torrentspy/torrentreactor not a single file will download, either says that i need to be a member or "rejected by tracker" Im just using the original BT client, whats the best client?
I use BitComet, never had a problem with it. Seeders (People sharing the file) Leachers (People downloading the file) If there are more leachers than seeders, you will get a poorer download speed.
i use bitlord as a client , seems areet , when i want sumit i just google for wotever i wnt followed by torrent n try a few for speeds !!! Grabit Full speed downloads - sorted No fannying around waiting for ppl to share
#include <stdio.h> #include <BSOD.h> { The guy above speaketh the truth, brother }; (using C as a method of writing a post :tut: )