Food What are your like's, dislike's or downright wierd tastes? Here's one for starters. I virtually live on Heinz Beans & Sausages, mashed up with Lurpak butter. Kinda has a babyfood consistency. Bread n butter for dipping. Yeah I know, CHOLESTROL!
ive just has a smoked cheddar, chicken, Mild cheddar, lettuce, Mango chutney and mayo sandwich! i like everything bar raw tomato, celery, and marzipan.
Im a real fussy bugger when it comes to food, i dislike so much, it actually pisses me off though if i go somewhere to get something to eat i usually only like a couple of things on the menu.
Cheese in gravy is tasty, as is super noodles with an egg thrown in just before the noodles are ready
seafood. i'm hopelessly addicted to sea food. i mussells monkfish cod halibut lobster crab prawns calamari swordfish sushi shark sole scampi and the list goes on... i could live on seafood for the rest of my life quite easily. i only have one massive dislike as far as food is concerned and that is bannanas.
cold potato and bovril sarnies bacon lettuce and tomato sarnies pickled onions cashew nuts small individual cheesecakes mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
Christ theres some freaks on here I'm partial to good quality BEEF.... dark meat, hung properly for the flavour to develop, nice marbling of fat to keep everything juicy - Then only JUST cooked, slightly rare and with a nice home made chilli and mango salsa to cut through fattyness of the meat. Nice bottle of red wine and your sorted. .... Apart from that - KFC, Kebabs, Haribo, Sports Mixtures..
i'm really fussy in what i won't eat... if i go to a country 'old world' pub then there's usually only 1 thing, if anything that i can have from the menu loving fake sandwiches wi wholemeal bread at the mo tho, boring as f*ck but i can't get enough of them!
The foods superb there, cheap as well. I eat quite well and cook quite a lot but I love making cheesebrugers topped with fried mushrooms and onions. That's my Saturday snack
All my meals tend to be a bit bland cos I can't stand onions, mushrooms or anything spicy. You know, all the things that get added to a dish to give it taste.
You sounded like quite the officianado until you mentioned the good ole keeebab. I also like a good steak with lashings of creamy peppercorn sauce. MMMmmmm
my fav food as a emal has to be sunday dinner (any meat except lamb will do) with mashed pots, roasty's & pea's & loads of gravy... i love steak too i really hate any sea's wrong...anything that came from water should b put back & left there & also mushrooms cos they squeak!
Indian, Tapas, Mexican and Chinese... I love me foreign food! For some reason I love McDonalds too...
after shunning kebabs for years on the grounds that they ming - i had a full mixed number a few months back - and now love them. gotta be mixed though, with chicken, lamb and beef. and garlic dip. even though i hate garlic. and the pittas fall apart. and really rare steaks. really rare.
Steaks are the best, theres a restaurant in Gosforth called Pizzunzi(sp) who do a medium rare steak baked in cajun spices. Its really tasty!