F'n pooters & internet connections!! Does any1 ever get a great conection 2 the net sumdays & other days a really shite 1? cos at the mo ive got ashite1 and its took about 5mins to load up this page!! Grrr.. Not sure if its my server trying 2 get me 2 fone there £1 a min helpline ( not a chance ) or its the web site??
check ur connection speed.. dubble click the 2 boxy icon thing in the bottom rite of the screen...see if its realleee low.. if it ise.. try re-connecting.... if it keeps being slow theres summit up with the server probs
its 45.2 k/bs which is the faster of the2 speeds i get when connecting the other being 44!! i just reconected there & it was great 4 the 1st 2 pgs but now its f'n slow again!! Well cheers 4 the advice anyway!
i am getting it in a few weeks but its fuckin stressing watching your pooter chugg along at about 1 k/bs a min!!
Its a no win situation, not long after you get Broadband in, you crave more speed as you get sick of waiting for things to d/load etc.
it may connect at a decent modem speed (i.e. usually around 45) but download speeds can lag badly, this is usually i) busy ISP ii) ii) busy server you're downloading from iii) crap phone line. Try a different ISP, not one of the bigger companies that are always busy at peak times, try Freeola or someone like that. You'll still pay the same local rate. Unless you've got one of these 12 quid a month jobbies. They've got you by the nuts. OR phone BT (if you're on BT!) explain you problem and ask them to increase the gain on your line. That sometimes helps. sometimes.
Cant think what it would be like to go back to 56k modem speed now!!! It would be a total nightmare!!!