Fluffy Boots Who actually wears fluffy boots, just ive only seen about two people with them on, if you do can you also post a pic of them on to see what they look like
People wear then loads at crasher, not as much as they used to though! I've a pic of TryHard*tidyNic wearing some that I made for her somewhere. I'll post it if I can find it
im sure we've been thru this b4, its ades hand, he grabbed me just as the photo was being taken, not sure if it was intentional to grab my minge, but thats where his hand ended up
EEEEEEEEEEEEWWWWWWW @ MINGE!!! Thats a horrid word! :evil: I still wear my fluffies - but i dont think theres any piccies with em on that are on the net?!?!?
minge is the worst word in the world, but its the exact word ade used when he appologised for grabbing it