flight 93 http://www.apple.com/trailers/universal/flight93/large.html this is a film about september the 11 scenario, not sure what the spin on it is, but i'd imagine it'll be an america is best and even though we got bombed the shit out of we still saved the day in the end. So do you think its a good idea? I'm reckoning there will be loads of uproar about this film
I hope they portray the movie in the light of what really happened... one of the engines of this plane was actually found miles away from the wreckage, the ear-mark of a heat seeking missle...it was shot down by US fighter jets after the terrorists got overpowed some may argue. Oh, what ever happened to the black boxs that were never discovered in any of the planes? Wow, thats a coincidence, what a shame eh, we'll never find out what happened! Oh, what about the fact that a plane was allowed to hit the most heavily defended building in the world, everyone had been moved to the other side of the pentagon, people speaking out against the US government were moved to the twin towers the week before, Bush stayed at the same unsecure location for 20 minutes after the attack, etc etc etc Hey....look what happened, 9-11 allowed for the Invasion of Iraq, that was convenient? A guy from Bush's administration was quoted as saying that America needed a 'new pearl harbour' and that's exactly what they got.... ...the mind boggles
I heard they were making a film based on 9/11 but i didnt think it would be just a bout that plane. I think it'll be the typical American action film but I think it will make a lot of people sad
I think they'll be another one about the whole of 9/11, but just about what happened on flight 93 in this film
Fair enough there may be some evidence to suggest that, but that just sounds too Micheal Moore for me. Surely you can't possibly think that the Americans would actually allow such attacks? Maybe we will never know what fully happened but I do not believe for one second that the Americans played a part in those attacks. The film I think will be worth a watch, but I don't think it's fair to 'cash in' on those atrocities.
Aye, it's about the light plane that crashed in the middle of nowhere, the government has never released any infomation about it - other than debris was found miles away and a whooshing sound can be heard on the voice recorder - like the plane was holed - conspiracists say it was shot by a air force jet (always looking for something not there) or it could have been whatever was going inside all very interesting - but a massive consiracy? all about iraq? they attacked afghanistan first - it's like JFK... they just can't believe it about themselves. Human arrogance once again - and the americans being the worst culprits
I totally understand what you are saying, it seems extremely implausable that America would ever let that happen, and it's difficult to get around that thought, but the evidence really is undeniable, there is so much more than what I just posted. There are actually loads of people including people in high positions lobying to make this heard. A couple more points... The fact that it is so unbelievable makes it the perfect scheme as no one would ever question it If you look at it in quantitative terms it is a very very small price to pay for what America will gain from invading Iraq which they would never have been able to do without 9/11 The American regime is evil, fact, if you really do your research and look at the crimes against humanity that it has done over just the last 50 years it is absolutely abismal and truly shocking, when you have read about all that come back and tell me you don't beleive America could be capable of 'allowing' 9/11 to happen At the end of the day it is far more plausable that America could let that happen to itself than it is that those planes could get to the twin towers and especially the Pentagon undetected!! It's laughable when you think about it logically Pearl Habour - people think the same about this, without it America could not have joined the war *FACT*. And seriously, how could a massive airforce fly undetected to the US's stockpile of Navy Warships, radar did exist back in those days! It's simply not possible that could happen under normal circumstances. I know it's hard to get around but if you stick your thinking head on rather than your emotive head then there's only one answer....
have u read/seen anything about the japanese attack on pearl harbour? if this is true - why didn't they only attack the japs? their part in the war was inevitable like u say, the simplest explanation is often the truth. America didn't believe any of this would happen due to it's own ignorance & arrogance - human error. did anyone believe they'd fly a jet liner into WTC buildings? thats even MORE perposterous that u making us believe that the US government ENGINEERED a group to do the job! i remember the day they hit, i was at work, heard the rumours that 'a plane had hit the tower' - we all though, small, 2 seater, gone off course, sightseeing, accident. then, when it all came thru - 'people would actually DO that?' my advice - TALK TO FRANK
Erm...perhaps because Japan was allied with Nazi regime? At the end of the day America could have not joined the war if that had not happened as there had not been any direct attack on America and without this the population would have not supported the war. Ask any historian and they'll tell you exactly that. HUMAN ERROR??!?! Seriously....the Pentagon IS the most heavily defended building IN THE WORLD. America may be full of thick people but when it comes to logistics of this nature they are the best funded and trained in the world, no conceivable amount of human error could have allowed for this to happen. It is absurd and to suggest so. Just because America didn't expect it doesn't mean that it makes it any more possible, the Manhatten area has one of the most guarded airspaces in US. And looking at it as a terrorist attack, it's not preposterous, it's actually genius! If your aim is to cause maximum damage and death and you thought about it for long enough then you would obviously come up with this idea, whether it be the Terrorists trying to create an attack or the Americans trying to defend against one. Just because we as civilians hadn't thought of the idea before and it came as a surprise doesn't mean that its an inconceivable plan that wouldn't have been thought of before. ....cements the fact that it served its purpose extremely well!! yea, thanks for that
Well, they have military airbases located nearby where Jets could have been scrambled while the plane was hundreds of miles off, oh yea, they have a ground to air missile system too That brings up another point, the mysterious plane that crashed into the Pentagon, they showed pictures of the damage to the Pentagon but there was never a sign of the so called 'passenger jet' that was hijacked and the damage would have been much greater if it was a passenger airliner, suggesting it was a much smaller plane. The details of which plane it was have never been released, and once again, no black box.
Re: Re: flight 93 no i'm not saying they did, i'm saying thats how the americans will portray what happened. So they can still think they are mint
My mate reckons he knows for a fact that there are alien lizard people running the bush administration.
Your evidence is weak and proves nothing. It's just another conspiracy theory peddled about the internet by mentalists who believe anything they read.
That's kind of ironic really, while I have read both sides and made my judgement based on evidence you have just believed what the media has told you