Fizz deZyn .. new Website!! I have been a busy boy as of late ... but check out my new DJ/Producer website ..sign the guesty if ya wish : Theres a couple of samples of my two new tracks to download if ya interested and a gallery up there too.
each to their own ... 'annoying music' ..excellent...theres my new direction! your clothes are really annoying!
downloaded funky frap, although, it says the file is corrupt and wont open in real player, wmp or winamp. any ideas?
bwahahaha! i tried the sound files aswell m8, you need to have a look at them. empty your cache before you try - but you know that already also the sound loop needs to load set to off, so ppl have the option of playing it - it will make it work safe too very nice looking site though all the same, but ive told you that already
haha aye .. fixed the two issues... cheers for the feedback ppl. Downloads work now now lucy, stupid bloody root path on the host was wrong. As for the music loop, think im just gona disable it altogether. Landslide techno ...well, we will see