First love Can you remember your first love? How old were you and do you still see them about and are they are fat with 8 kids? Or does your stomach still flip when you see them? Luckily mine is from Essex i was 16 and i dont have to bump into her at all
Anyone Ive ever had feelings for has turned out to be a complete nugget ... so Id rather not remember any of them
the first girl i loved was quite late on, was when i lived in london when i was 20, about 6 years ago.... caught her in bed with the barman from the hotel we both worked at when i came home a day early from oop here! fuckers! he was a skinny little twat too!!! probs wouldn't have my son now though if that hadn't happened so i guess it was a blessing in disguise!!
I was 18 split with him last year, bumped into him at last Promise but we couldn't even say hello, felt a bit shit after seeing him after all this time
lives precisley about 5 seconds walk from my door.... see him nearly everyday still.... split up a year gone june and just stopped hurting since i found someone worth my feelings still wouldnt wish nothing bad on him.... just hope his willy falls off.....
i gave him a stern talking too!!! i don't condone violence!! i threw him down the stairs!!! i lived on the forth floor!!!
actually thinking about it i havnt been in love, ive been in love with having someone there for me but not the actual person, cant wait to be really in love though
I met mine when I was 16. Was together for 4 years got engaged and thought I had found the love of my life. Then we moved in together but that was when everything went wrong and it drove us apart. Then afterwards I found out he was a lying ,cheating arsehole . Still see him now and it still hurts me.
i think its the fact of betrayel hurts me...not the actual person anymore....i still feel sick when i see him...but not in the way i did when we were in love.... :evil: :evil: :evil:
i thought i was in love with my best mate who lived down the steet, gavin, but wasnt really was just a silly crush first love wud hav to b alan when i was 17. was with him for bout 2 yrs. he speaks to me on msn now and again and i know he goes out to town all the time but havnt seen him in ages. totally over him tho was quite quickly after he was a twat when we split up so id prob b fine if i saw him out.
Christ, Im not that old, to not remember! Yeah, I was with mine offically for 2 & half years. Was only 18 when met him. Moved out together blah blah. Was dumped quite abruptly, messed about for a year and then eventually moved on. Never see each other now, for which I am thankful. Ill never forget that relationship, but Im happier now Suppose thing happen for a reason.
I wish me and my sons mam got on but we don't anymore We've tried an tried but we bring out the very worst in each other... Too much history unfortunatley. Its mad how you can feel so close to someone but all of a sudden it turns to rat shit and its the worst thing in your entire life I've never felt violent in my life but sadly she makes me feel that way and i hate it Bring on the future.